Chris Hemsworth on Haircut: "It Was a Little Bit Like Losing My Mane"

Put on your haircut seatbelt, my friends, this is not a false alarm: Chris Hemsworth got a haircut. And it felt like losing his mane!
Sir Thor appeared on Live! With Kelly and Michael this morning promoting a movie (I'm sure) and finally got the chance to speak out about his drastic cut, via People:
"I was nervous. I'm a Leo so it was a little bit like losing my mane. I felt like I was losing my powers."
Why then, Leo? Why go from long-ish hair for a man, I suppose, to a somewhat shorter haircut? Why?
Why, Chris Hemsworth?
"It got long and messy and time consuming. It's like photoshoot hair — if you have someone following you around doing it for you, it's cool, but it's not practical."
[image via Getty]