There's been a meme circulating recently among self-loathing—or, at least, ironically self-loathing—individuals, primarily in the media world, about the presumed toxicity of Twitter. "Never tweet," they say, because Twitter will rot your brain. Personally, I disagree. I enjoy Twitter and there are many worse ways to pass the day. I think mostly everyone should tweet— except Iggy Azalea, who should put Twitter down forever and run away.

Last Sunday, the Australian rapper (legitimate occupation!) used up a portion of her afternoon tweeting at the official account of the food-like substance chain Papa John's, because a Papa John's deliveryman in L.A. gave Iggy's cell phone number to his younger sister. Last Sunday was also the Grammys, and Iggy was nominated for four awards. It should have been one of the best nights of her professional career, but instead she spent it lamenting the loss of Papa John's in her life, and apparently haranguing a franchise manager for photos of their employees.

Broadly speaking, Iggy's position is understandable, in that celebrities are rightfully protective of their privacy. It was, in theory, a minor nuisance for some strange pizza professional to have her phone number. But it really was just a minor nuisance.

We can acknowledge Iggy Azalea's position while also noting a few things about her predicament. The first is that she willingly gave her personal phone number to a Papa John's franchise and presumably allowed herself to be identified in connection with that phone number. Now, it's a different sort of nuisance to only be able to divulge your direct contact information with a vastly smaller group of people than the average citizen, but such is the nature of celebrity. On the one hand, you amass fame and fortune; on the other, you can't give out your cell phone number to strangers. Most celebrities accept this trade because money is more valuable than the sanctity of one's cell phone number, except for Mike Jones, who had his cake and ate it, too. (Mike Jones was both a better rapper than Iggy Azalea and a savvier celebrity.)

The other thing to note about this controversy—look at our world—is that it's entirely one of Iggy's own design. Iggy is a very famous person with grand individual and structural power at her disposal. If she was so aggrieved by this deliveryman passing her cell phone number around, there were likely more efficient—and less personally painful—ways for her to deal with it than to publicly tweet at whoever runs Papa John's Twitter account for over 24 hours, in the process letting every grubby teen wondering if he or she has Iggy Azalea's phone number know that yes, indeed, you do have Iggy Azalea's phone number.

Iggy is a relatively new celebrity. People react to swift and sudden changes in their lives in different ways, and using your newfound powerful platform to lash out at a pizza company is definitely one of those ways. But this—throwing an extended tantrum on Twitter—has become Iggy's thing, and of all things for a celebrity to become, this is a really lame one.

You may remember just a few weeks ago, when Iggy opened Twitter and vomited up some words about a mysterious Tumblr page that appeared to showcase her upcoming collaboration with the shoe company Steve Madden. The site—screenshots of which you can see here—was not flattering, but nobody quite knew what the deal was, and an unconfirmed Tumblr that may or may not show photos of Iggy Azalea's new shoe line isn't exactly a bombshell story even in the celebrity fashion circle. Kind of embarrassing, sure, but the world turns. Nonetheless, Iggy fired off a string of tweets that read frighteningly like @dril's quietly seething and unhinged avant-garde scribblings. ("Ivd been bamoozeled with a tumblr page where everyone wears socks and takes unintentional crotch shots on pool toys.")

This is all just in the first 39 days of the year! In December, she engaged Azealia Banks on Twitter about a topic—the recent elevation of white artists in rap music at the expense of black artists—that she was much better off leaving untouched, reigniting a feud that she has already won by virtue of her success. That rant at Banks spurred Q-Tip into giving her a history lesson of sorts over Twitter, which she probably didn't need but nonetheless asked for by deciding to engage Banks but dismiss her structural and societal critiques.

Iggy has always been bad at Twitter. Before she was famous, she was racist. Does Iggy Azalea still enjoy using Twitter? It doesn't seem like it. What is the point of being a celebrity if you're just going to spend your time allowing Twitter to add undue consternation to your life? That's for the rest of us. Why be blessed, and yet, still stressed?

This is not an uncontroversial opinion. T.I., the rapper who helped nurture Iggy to stardom, agrees with me. Last week, TMZ asked him if he thought Iggy needs to be tweeting all the time. His response, in so many words? "No." It was a very sensible reaction.

There are so many things for Iggy Azalea to do. Go make more music. Go hang out with your famous friends. Go buy a boat. Go live on that boat. Go take that boat around the world. Go throw your phone into the ocean.

Or stay on land. Go lay in your backyard. Go swim in your pool. Go watch your boyfriend play basketball. Go out for an expensive dinner. Go home and watch Netflix. Go take a bath in a jacuzzi tub. Go to sleep thinking about what an amazing life you have.

But either way, definitely throw your phone into the ocean. Lock yourself out of Twitter forever. For society's sake, certainly, but your own as well.

[image via Getty]