It's an exciting time in the charity scene right now—both Lindsay Lohan and Chris Brown are scrambling to finish hundreds of community service hours in order to avoid jail time and pursue their chosen endeavors. Chris announced last night that he's been forced to postpone his tour until he completes 100 hours.

On Instagram, Chris explained:

I would first like to apologize to all the fans and people who have been supporters of me and all the music over the years. The beginning of the BTS tour has been moved to later dates now. The judge would not sign off on my travel to do the tour until I finish these last 100 hours of community service. I promise that I am busting my ass doing it everyday until it's complete. This is the most disappointing news I've gotten in a while. Everything happens for a reason so I wanted to personally inform my fans. The show must go on. Out of 1000 hours I only have 100 left. I will work my ass off to complete it and I will be on that stage. Once again I'm sorry for the delay. I love yall! We will let yall know the dates that are changed. It's not cancelled. Just moved around a couple weeks.

Hopefully this new strategy of doing his community service "everyday until it's complete" works out. To underscore how seriously he's taking all of this, Chris paired his lengthy apology with a somber drawing of his own face.

E! News explains that Chris's probation—stemming from his 2009 assault on Rihanna—was revoked and then extended for six months on January 15, because Chris traveled without getting approval and failed to complete his hours. Now, he's grounded until he gets it all done. And if he doesn't complete his 100 remaining hours by his new March court date, he could go to jail.

[Photo via Getty]