Michael Lohan, the famously estranged father of Lindsay, is doing about as well as you’d expect, which is to say: not good. TMZ reports that child services took his two young children away last week following a “blowout argument” with his estranged wife, Kate Major.

(Major, you may recall, is a former Star reporter who left celebrity journalism to date Jon Gosselin before settling down with Lohan.)

Lohan married Major just one year ago and shares two children with her: Landon, two, and Logan, 10 months. They are currently living in Florida. Per TMZ, “the Florida Dept. of Children and Families (DCF) sent social workers to Kate’s apartment in Boca Raton Wednesday after obtaining a video of some sort of extreme argument Michael and Kate were having” in front of the children.

According to TMZ, the children were put in foster care overnight and then released to their grandmother, Lohan’s mother Marilyn Lohan.

Lohan had some typically polite things to say about the whole situation, which he claims was a “set up” by Major. He told TMZ that Major “is a proven alcoholic, a liar...and an abuser. I have so many videos of her abuse, her lies and admitting her lies and saying she’ll lie and do anything she can to set me up.”

Both Lohan and Major are due in family court today to discuss a custody plan for their children.

Lohan is also a father to Lindsay’s siblings Ali, Michael Jr., and Cody, and her half-sibling Ashley Horn. They all seem to be doing okay, except for Michael Jr., who was arrested in New York City last week for using a forged state parking permit. Lindsay, of course, is the same.

Photo via Getty. Contact the author at allie@gawker.com.