The Worst Excerpts from the Newly Unsealed Cosby Files

Hudson Hongo · 07/06/15 08:20PM

On Monday, Deadspin’s Diana Moskovitz obtained a disturbing collection of documents from a 2005 civil suit against Bill Cosby by former Temple University employee Andrea Constand, who accused the comedian of drugging and raping her. While the suit was settled out of court in 2006, the case’s records remained sealed until today, when a federal judge released the documents over objections by Cosby’s legal team.

Ciara Will Not Have Sex Before Marriage, Says Her Boyfriend

Jay Hathaway · 07/06/15 04:52PM

Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson, who’s just one pass completion short of getting everything he ever wanted in life, really wanted to date Ciara. Now he is dating Ciara. What he’s not doing—he claims—is having sex with Ciara.

Bill Cosby Admitted Under Oath to Buying Drugs to "Use" on Women

Taylor Berman · 07/06/15 04:36PM

According to the Associated Press, Bill Cosby said in a 2005 deposition that he bought Quaaludes with the intention of giving them to women he wanted to have sex with. In the same deposition, he reportedly admitted to giving drugs to a female former Temple University employee who filed a lawsuit accusing him of rape that same year. The suit claimed that the comedian drugged and raped the woman—later identified as Andrea Constand, the former director of operations for Temple’s women’s basketball program—at his Philadelphia mansion in 2004.

Why Doesn't This Clip of Kim Cattrall Scatting Have a Billion Views?

Rich Juzwiak · 07/06/15 04:04PM

If I ever become an actor and get famous enough to have my own episode of Inside the Actors Studio, when James Lipton asks me, “If Heaven exists what would you like to hear God say at the Pearly Gates?,” my answer will be: “Yomma kippee yabo, said erayfa kabo in da Latin he quoth: You, Jay, soffa saray!!!”

500 Days of Kristin, Day 162: Kristin Shops at HomeGoods® [PHOTOS]

Allie Jones · 07/06/15 03:53PM

One year ago this month, Kristin Cavallari went shopping. I mean, of course she did, but I know for a fact she went shopping at a certain bargain home furnishings chain store in Los Angeles because there are many, many, many meticulously staged paparazzi photos of this shopping excursion available for purchase and publication online.

Kourtney Kardashian Reportedly Left That No-Good Cheater Scott Disick 

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/06/15 12:05PM

The Kardashian-Disick House hath fallen and Our Lady Kourtney is a Lady no more. According to reports, the third-most popular Kardashian and her long-term partner “Lord Scott Disick” have split for good, and not just because he refers to himself as “Lord Scott Disick.”

Someone Trolled the "Ask Amy" Advice Column Using the Plot of The Room

Rich Juzwiak · 07/06/15 10:00AM

If you thought the plot of Tommy Wiseau’s 2003 camp classic The Room was plausible, worth taking seriously, and merely in need of a more stable guiding hand to make sense, congratulations, you’re no longer the only person on earth who feels that way. Writing under the name “Devastated,” someone essentially transcribed the plot of The Room in a letter to Amy Dickinson, who writes the syndicated “Ask Amy” advice column. It ran as the lead question under the headline “Don’t turn dysfunctional relationship into marriage.” Below is the original letter with link annotations to relevant Room clips:

Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis Are Married or Perhaps Remarried Who Knows

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/06/15 07:40AM

It’s officially safe to presume Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis—two beautiful famous people with an arguable talent for emoting—have entered a contract of holy matrimony. Or maybe they got married again. Who knows? These are the great mysteries of our time and they reveal themselves at their will, not ours.

Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick Just Lost a Ton of Money

Brendan O'Connor · 07/04/15 03:10PM

In 2011, Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick purchased a 150-year-old townhouse in Greenwich Village for $18,995,000. Last week, they sold the home for $18,250,000—a loss of $745,000, plus however much they invested in restoring and refurbishing the place. Whoops!