Do You Know Leonardo DiCaprio Is One of the Top Art Collectors ON EARTH?
Dayna Evans · 07/09/15 10:40AM
Last we heard from Leonardo DiCaprio, actor and founding member of the Pussy Posse, he was investing in a mattress company for god knows what reason (sex), and riding CitiBikes around Manhattan with his new model paramour, Kelly Rohrbach, which would seem to suggest that Leo has been having an uncharacteristically lowkey summer. Hm.
What's Going On With Giuliana Rancic's Bizarre Departure from E! News?
Allie Jones · 07/09/15 10:04AM
In a statement released via E! News this morning, spray-tanned baton Giuliana Rancic announced she’s leaving her longtime post as E! News anchor. She will, however, stay on as a red carpet interviewer and as co-host of Fashion Police, the doomed show on which she made a racist remark earlier this year. Wait what?
Reese Witherspoon Reportedly Hates Sofia Vergara's Dumb Laugh and Accent
Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/09/15 07:39AMReport: Police Investigating Video of Alleged Donut-Licker Ariana Grande
Hudson Hongo · 07/08/15 09:45PMJason Biggs Fucked a Pie and Then Got This Sweet-Ass House
Jordan Sargent · 07/08/15 03:10PM
What do you think fucking a pie can get you? A lasting career in the illustrious film industry? Not quite. The lifelong respect of your peers? I’ve got news for you, buckaroo. The eternal adoration of your family? *That thing where Larry David makes this face* Well, how does a pristine home at the foot of the Beverly Hills sound?
500 Days of Kristin, Day 164: God Only Knows If Kristin Is More Stylish
Allie Jones · 07/08/15 03:00PM
Kristin Cavallari, whose debut book Balancing in Heels (f.k.a Balancing on Heels) is due out in 346 days, is even more stylish than we thought—according to the “we” who work at In a recent blog post titled, “9 Reasons Kristin Cavallari Is Even More Stylish Than We Thought,” the magazine website lays out its dubious case.
Lawsuit: Tom Selleck Stole Thousands of Gallons of Water
Taylor Berman · 07/08/15 09:54AMPeople Finds a Nice Way to Say Ben Affleck Cheated
Allie Jones · 07/08/15 09:32AM
It’s Wednesday, which means America’s beloved gossip rags have released their new issues for the week. Us Weekly’s cover shouts: “GAMBLING, BOOZE, & CHEATING: JEN’S SECRET HELL” alongside an artfully tattered photo of soon-to-be divorced actors Jen Garner and Ben Affleck. People, the mag that spent the last month groveling at the Afflecks’ feet to get the coveted divorce exclusive, promises something different on its cover: The real story.
Boulevard, Robin Williams's Bittersweet Final Onscreen Role
Rich Juzwiak · 07/08/15 09:20AM
Throughout Boulevard, Robin Williams looks stiff, like he’s holding a suitcase in each arm at all times. It’s his way of physically conveying his character’s emotional baggage—Williams plays Nolan, who at 60 can no longer suppress his gay feelings and attempts a relationship with a prostitute named Leo (Roberto Aguire). But, in light of Williams’s suicide last August, it makes you wonder what Williams himself was carrying with him while filming what turned out to be his last onscreen performance (his voice will appear in next year’s sci-fi comedy Absolutely Anything).
Report: Disney World to Remove Bill Cosby Bust From Theme Park
Hudson Hongo · 07/07/15 11:00PMChrissy Teigen Enters Ass Photo Arms Race With John Legend Butt Pic
Hudson Hongo · 07/07/15 07:30PMTyga Sent a Photo of His Dick To Someone Who Isn't Kylie Jenner
Jordan Sargent · 07/07/15 04:25PM
Bad news for Kylie Jenner: not only are you dating Tyga, a widely mocked rapper who had to release his recent album for free because nobody wanted to hear it, but your widely mocked rapper boyfriend is sending dick pics to people who are not you—including a transgender actress named Mia Isabella, who has gone ahead and provided the receipts.
500 Days of Kristin, Day 163: Kristin Is a Plagiarist
Allie Jones · 07/07/15 04:13PMRead Laura Prepon's Insane Interview In Scientology's Celebrity Magazine
Jordan Sargent · 07/07/15 01:25PMAllie Jones · 07/07/15 01:24PM
From former Gawker writer Maureen O’Connor, here is a perfect interview with Rob Shuter, the celebrity PR guy who handled Ben Affleck’s last breakup (with the other Jen). Shuter spills the tea about all his former clients, including Jessica Simpson, who he says dated the biggest publicity whore of all: John Mayer.
Harry Shearer Is Returning to The Simpsons
Taylor Berman · 07/07/15 01:14PMBox Office Bomb 54 Is Resurrected as a Bisexual Antihero Character Study
Rich Juzwiak · 07/07/15 12:57PM
In the summer of 1998, Mark Christopher’s 54 landed in theaters with a dull thud. Despite a cast of then-hot stars like Neve Campbell, Mike Myers, and Ryan Phillippe, and the fact that it arrived at a time of peak ’70s nostalgia (thanks in part to specials like VH1’s Behind the Music), the film grossed a paltry $6.6 million during its opening weekend and was panned by critics. All of which predicted that 54 would fade into oblivion.
Demon Popstar Ariana Grande Contaminates Donuts With Her Hellish Tongue
Allie Jones · 07/07/15 11:22AM
Ariana Grande, a mewling kitten wearing sexy bloomers, claimed in 2013 that she was attacked by demons from hell. This weekend, however, she revealed herself to be the true demon from hell by sneakily licking donuts at a donut shop and then not buying them. Also: she “hates America.” Also: she’s dating a backup dancer.
Here Are All the Theories About the Ben Affleck and Jen Garner Divorce
Allie Jones · 07/07/15 08:29AM
After 10 years and one day of marriage, actors Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner announced last week that they’ve decided to divorce. We knew this was coming, but still, we ask: why? What happened in between falling in love on the set of Daredevil (2004) and moving out of a shared bedroom in their Los Angeles home and into different, private areas of that same home?