Serial Asshole Shia LaBeouf Takes His Apologies to the Sky

Shia LaBeouf is very very sorry for plagiarizing Daniel Clowes' graphic novel Justin M. Damiano. And he can't stop apologizing for it. He's apologized so much he even ran out of his own words and had to steal apologies from famous people including Kanye West, Robert McNamara, Tiger Woods, and Shepherd Fairey.
But on New Year's day, LaBeouf took the insincere apologies to a new level and hired a skywriter to blanket the sky of Hollywood and Studio City with a simple message: "I am sorry Daniel Clowes." Too bad Daniel Clowes lives in the Bay Area and couldn't witness this new desperate plea for attention.
LaBeouf even took to Twitter after the skywriting to make sure he'd get credit for the spectacle in the clouds.
CLOUD: - vapor floating in the atmosphere - remote servers used to SHARE DATA - to make LESS CLEAR or TRANSPARENT
— Shia LaBeouf (@thecampaignbook) January 1, 2014
Because when you rip off someone's work and get caught, it's best to continue making the situation LESS CLEAR.
But at this point it's obvious LaBeouf is trying to pass this off as some kind of 21st century performance piece about art, property, and increasingly irrelevant movie stars. On New Year's Eve, he tweeted:
You have my apologies for offending you for thinking I was being serious instead of accurately realizing I was mocking you.
— Shia LaBeouf (@thecampaignbook) December 31, 2013
Not quite sure who he's mocking, but it doesn't matter because he stole this apology from a anti-abortion nutjob in Texas. Cool art, Shia. Cool, cool edgy art.
And he's at it again Thursday morning, borrowing his latest apology from Jay Z:
I am not a biter. I'm a writer for myself and others. I steal some plot points & dialogue. I'm only big'n up my brother.
— Shia LaBeouf (@thecampaignbook) January 2, 2014
What an asshole.