True Detective's Nic Pizzolatto, HBO Respond to Plagiarism Accusations
Kelly Conaboy · 08/08/14 11:00AMTrue Detective Creator Accused of Plagiarism
Kelly Conaboy · 08/06/14 12:25PMWhat It's Like to Sit in a Room With a Sobbing Shia LaBeouf, for Art
Lacey Donohue · 02/11/14 10:12PM
On Tuesday, serial plagiarist and "not famous" famous actor Shia LaBeouf invited the public to join him at his latest cry for help in Los Angeles. According to the press release for his new performance entitled "#IAMSORRY," LaBeouf will be "in situ" at an art gallery for six days so he can apologize for his sins.
Now Shia LaBeouf Wants to Flog Himself Like a Medieval Monk
Lacey Donohue · 01/23/14 01:25PMLawsuit Accuses Hit Show New Girl of "Blatant Plagiarism"
Lacey Donohue · 01/17/14 03:01PM
In a lawsuit filed in California federal court on Thursday, two screenwriters argue that New Girl, the hit Fox comedy that debuted in 2011, is based upon their pilot script for a show entitled Square One. Stephanie Counts and Shari Gold are suing New Girl creator Elizabeth Meriwether, executive producer Peter Chernin, Fox, and WME and demanding an injunction that halts filming and distribution of the show.
Shia LaBeouf Can't Stop #Skywriting
Lacey Donohue · 01/10/14 05:27PM
[Shia LaBeouf announced his retirement Thursday night alongside the mysterious message "#stopcreating." But LaBeouf's love of writing combined with his love of the sky pulled him back into the artistic fold Friday afternoon. "#stopcreating," opined LaBeouf in the skies over Beverly Hills. So deep, man. So fucking deep.]
Asinine Performance Artist Shia LaBeouf Is Now Stealing From Kanye
Lacey Donohue · 01/06/14 05:59PM
Shia LaBeouf is on fire lately: stealing words, apologizing, renting planes, apologizing again, trying to make profound commentary about intellectual property but instead making commentary on actors lacking intellect. Now, in the hope of not being forgotten, he's gone ahead and borrowed from Kanye's 2009 apology to Taylor Swift:
Serial Asshole Shia LaBeouf Takes His Apologies to the Sky
Lacey Donohue · 01/02/14 10:49AM
Shia LaBeouf is very very sorry for plagiarizing Daniel Clowes' graphic novel Justin M. Damiano. And he can't stop apologizing for it. He's apologized so much he even ran out of his own words and had to steal apologies from famous people including Kanye West, Robert McNamara, Tiger Woods, and Shepherd Fairey.
Shia LaBeouf Keeps Plagiarizing, Plagiarizing, and Plagiarizing
Lacey Donohue · 12/19/13 08:15PM
No one in the world—not even those who genuinely love Duck Dynasty—could love Duck Dynasty more than Shia LaBeouf right now. Because while everyone else is debating freedom of speech vs. the male anus, LaBeouf continues to quietly and shamelessly exercise his freedom to steal speech. The LaBeouf Plagiarism Train of 2013 shows no sign of stopping; at this point, he's either the world's biggest asshole and doing it on purpose, or the world's stupidest asshole and can't stop himself.
Someone Else Wants Credit For Another Crappy Justin Timberlake Movie
Beejoli Shah · 10/29/13 01:54PMQuentin Tarantino's Girlfriend Caught Plagiarizing Her Film Columns
Anonymous · 07/15/13 01:02PM
Quentin Tarantino, the chode of all chodes, is no stranger to plagiarism allegations. Good thing because his girlfriend, almost-award winning writer Lianne “Spiderbaby” MacDougall, is going to need a lot of help recovering from her own cheating scandal—over the weekend, she admitted plagiarizing from a host of different sources in her column for a horror fansite.