No one in the world—not even those who genuinely love Duck Dynasty—could love Duck Dynasty more than Shia LaBeouf right now. Because while everyone else is debating freedom of speech vs. the male anus, LaBeouf continues to quietly and shamelessly exercise his freedom to steal speech. The LaBeouf Plagiarism Train of 2013 shows no sign of stopping; at this point, he's either the world's biggest asshole and doing it on purpose, or the world's stupidest asshole and can't stop himself.

Let's review.

  • In February of this year, LaBeouf plagiarized an apology to Alec Baldwin from Esquire's 2009 "How to Be a Man" issue.
  • On Monday of this week, LaBeouf also admitted to plagiarizing his 2012 directorial debut from Daniel Clowes' comic "Justin M. Damiano."
  • The apology he issued for plagiarizing Clowes appeared to have been copied from a Yahoo! Answers user named Lili. (Clowes is now "exploring" legal action against LeBeouf.)
  • On Wednesday morning, Buzzfeed reported that segments of comic books written and drawn by LeBeouf rely on passages written by Charles Bukowski and French writer Benoît Duteurtre. Bukowski? Yep, sounds about right.
  • By Wednesday afternoon, LaBeouf again took to Twitter to apologize. But instead of letting Yahoo! answer, thanks to reporting from The Film Stage, it became clear that LeBeouf borrowed words from some of greatest men of our time: Kanye West, Robert McNamara, and Tiger Woods.
  • When getting called out on this much plagiarism, you might as well double the fuck down and really go for it. And so LaBeouf subsequently issued an apology Thursday morning that, according to the folks at The Wire, looks exactly like the apology Shepherd Fairey issued to the AP in 2009.
  • And now, on Thursday afternoon, Dan Nadel at The Comics Journal reports that he's joined the increasingly large group of those who've been LaBeoufed. Nadel points out that the "About" page for his publishing company PictureBox looks an awful lot like the "About" page for LaBeouf's "The Campaign Book."

Here is the statement from PictureBox:

And here is the statement from LeBeouf's site:

So there you have it. The definitively incomplete guide to LaBeouf's nicely curated plagiarism shitshow. But tomorrow is a new day and, well, there are so many great apologies left to steal. We can only hope.

UPDATE: Reader ctygirl has drawn our attention to another LaBeouf apology and its "parallels" to a 2008 Mark Zuckerberg apology.

[Image via AP]