Shia LaBeouf, the plagiarizing "artist" who is no longer famous, is finally ready to take the stage and share his Metamodernist Manifesto with Los Angeles. And he wants to wear a special mask while he does it.

We received a tip from someone at a Los Angeles art gallery that LaBeouf contacted them earlier this week with a very important request: he wanted a gallery so he could "repent in the way of the Middle Ages. For 7 days." According to the tipster, LaBeouf is sending messages to "every" gallery in LA, desperate for space.

On Tuesday, LaBeouf wrote to the gallery:

I am in need of a performance space in Los Angeles I'm looking to put on a show. Your gallery is perfect. My plan is to repent in the way of the Middle Ages. For 7 days.

I am promoting it at the Berlin film festival. By wearing a mask I've made for the show, To the red carpet of the NYMPHOMANIC premier. The date for this action is the 9th I'd like to start my show on the 10th. The show works in conjunction with an online action- @thecampaignbook


The gallery quickly responded:

9th and 10th of what month?



The gallery informed LaBeouf they were booked but asked for clarification on the show:

There is a show scheduled for the gallery then, Is the performance simply you - can you elaborate on it to give me an idea of what it would take?

LaBeouf quickly gave up:

If your booked up I understand

Thank you

We can only hope that LaBeouf's performance will be a live-action medieval torture show featuring heavy audience involvement.

We've reached out to LaBeouf to a) confirm that this is indeed him and to b) ask for a picture of the mask. We will update if we hear back.

[Image via AP]