CAA agents are known not only for being some of the most industrious ten-percenters in town, but also the most loving and nurturing bosses around. Just kidding! CAA agents are known for being insufferable douchebags, generally with an inflated sense of self and lacking in cursory knowledge of basic computer functions.

Top TV lit agent at the DeathStar, Nancy Etz, proves to be another chip off the 'ol block. A handy tipster forwarded us this e-mail from a former Etz assistant. The assistant received this note from her boss—on a Saturday, no less!—after Etz was incapable of sufficiently directing herself to her boozy "breakfast meeting."

From: Nancy Etz [mailto:]
To: Etz Asst, Nancy [mailto:]
Subject: seriously?

I was 40 minutes late to brunch because there was no address in my calendar and I couldn't call you to get it because your number isn't in my phone. No email and no number. What the fuck!!! I need you to be available! I spent my whole morning apologizing to Andrew because of you bitch.

Pleasant. While it remains unclear if Andrew was ever able to find it in his heart to forgive Etz, hopefully this former assistant's mimosa-triggered PTSD abates quickly.

Life Lessons is your place to shame Hollywood's biggest and smallest douchebags. As always, send in your Hollywood low points to

- This Is What You Get If You Insult a Producer's Project
- It's Because You're A Cunt, Harris
- Parks and Recreation's Harris Wittels Responds

[Image via Lisa Nalin Studios]