As you may remember, Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson were incapable of hiding their disdain for both each other and their lightly-sexy sex movie 50 Shades of Grey throughout the press tour for 50 Shades of Grey, which took place earlier this year. Johnson is currently making the rounds for her new film Black Mass, but still can’t shake the fact that oh my god she hated that other movie so fucking much.

Today she appeared Ellen, where she discussed Black Mass a little and the hell 50 Shades of Grey hath wrought a lot:

On whether people act weird around her after seeing her in the film and also on whether people still think there wasn’t enough sex in the film:

“Well, sometimes people just say things that are a little bit awkward for me. Like, I was in a cab recently, and the driver was like, ‘You know, my wife and I, we saw your film. We really liked it.’ And he goes, ‘I thought there could be more sex.’ And I was, like, about to roll out of the car while it was driving.”

On whether anyone in her family has seen it, or will ever see it:

“...No.” “...Nah-uh.” “Nobody in my family.”

Finally, on whether guys are running for the hills after seeing 50 Shades of Grey:

“I guess they either love me or they’re running for the hills. I guess they’re running for the hills.”

Damn. 50 Shades Darker begins filming early next year.

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