No stranger to Drama, Selena Gomez has once again found herself embroiled in a love triangle of her own making. After attending the Golden Globes last weekend, she was spotted holding hands with a man who is not on-again-off-again boyfriend Jersten Beibler, but rather the DJ and producer "Zedd." People now has a question for each and every one of us: "Are Selena Gomez & Zedd More Than Friends?"

The above Facetime screenshot Zedd posted to Instagram this weekend would suggest that yes, Selena and Zedd are familiar in a way that friends are not.

But what about Selena's sometimes beau, full-time piss baby Justin Bieber? The two were spotted on a date with him in Beverly Hills just last week, in the midst of all this Zedd business. As Selena Gomez sings in this YouTube video, the heart wants what it wants but what does it want, Selena??

Let's consider the evidence chronologically. On January 11, Selena attended the Golden Globes, where she held hands with Zedd.

Then just five days later on January 16, Selena was spotted on a steakhouse date with Justin in Beverly Hills. They left together and went to Selena's hotel, according to TMZ.

Two days later on January 18, Selena posted this photo of Zedd and herself on Instagram with the caption "missing la and this punk, just a little tonight."

Zedd responded to the pic with the sexy bedtime FaceTime shot, captioned "'Oh hi derrling...' - The Room #TheRoom #theRoom #THEroom #theROOM"

It's waywaywaywayway too much to take in and I'm breathing so hard, but let's try to analyze the evidence. Given these items, three things become clear:

  1. Zedd likes The Room.
  2. Justin likes steak.
  3. Selena freakin' loves drama!

If you know what Selena's heart wants for real, feel free to email us:

[Image via Instagram]