Robin Thicke and His 20-Year-Old Girlfriend Accidentally Fed Dog Weed
Allie Jones · 05/18/15 08:30AM
TMZ reports that Robin Thicke’s dog—named Bincy; bought for his 20-year-old girlfriend—has gone to the hospital twice now for accidentally ingesting weed. On her private Twitter account, girlfriend April Love Geary reportedly blamed the incidents on Thicke: “Some falls on the ground or she sits by him smoking and just inhales it hahaha.”
500 Days of Kristin, Day 112: Kristin Is NOT Drinking While Pregnant
Allie Jones · 05/17/15 12:00PM500 Days of Kristin, Day 111: Kristin's Not the Only One
Allie Jones · 05/16/15 12:00PMLouis C.K. Will Call You Up to Talk About His Alleged Sexual Misconduct
Jordan Sargent · 05/15/15 03:30PM
A few months ago we got an email from a tipster who said he was awaiting a phone call from Louis C.K., who will host the final episode of Saturday Night Live’s 40th season this weekend. The subject of their phone call was sexual misconduct allegations made by the tipster’s friend against the comedian.
What Did We Do To Deserve This Living Hell?: Pitch Perfect 2
Rich Juzwiak · 05/15/15 03:15PMIf you want an example of the profound unfunniness of Pitch Perfect 2, look no further than the clip above in which a host of acapella groups competes in a sing-off of “’90s Hip Hop Jamz.” It includes a German team, Das Sound Machine, showing off their zany accents that make them sing things like, “Zis iz how wee do eet,” and, “Zat girl is poizuuun.” Not featured above is their rendition of Kris Kross’s “Jump,” which features altered lyrics, “Kommissar will make you! / Deutschland will make you!” Are you ROTFL yet? Elsewhere in the film, Snoop Dogg sings a straightforward version of “Winter Wonderland.” I was mortified for him.
500 Days of Kristin, Day 110: [Vocal Fry] Justin Bobby
Allie Jones · 05/15/15 02:45PM
Truth and time tells all, but The Hills’ Justaan Bobbay will live forever. Kristin’s former coworker and (alleged) ex-boyfriend Justin Bobby Brescia recently emerged from wherever he’s been to do an interview with Us Weekly about his current career as a hairstylist. His salon is right in his Manhattan loft.
Amazon Has an Unquenchable Thirst For Woody Allen
Aleksander Chan · 05/15/15 02:18PMThe Edge Really Took it to The Edge...of the Stage... ;)
Kelly Conaboy · 05/15/15 11:35AMKate Bosworth Is Very Proud of These Shoes She Designed
Leah Finnegan · 05/15/15 11:00AMChurch Leader Andrew Keegan Busted for Selling Kombucha, Damn
Kelly Conaboy · 05/15/15 10:40AMYou Do Know That You Must See Mad Max: Fury Road This Weekend, Right?
Rich Juzwiak · 05/15/15 10:30AMRambling Bill Cosby Evades Rape Questions In Bizarre ABC Interview
Allie Jones · 05/15/15 08:16AMBill Cosby appeared on Good Morning America this morning to talk about his campaign to improve education in Alabama. He ended up talking a whole lot of nonsense after ABC News’ Linsey Davis asked him what he would say to child who asks him about the numerous women who have accused him of sexual assault.
500 Days of Kristin, Day 109: KRISfunksion
Allie Jones · 05/14/15 04:15PMParis Is Burning Screening Sparks Furor, Calls for Boycott
Rich Juzwiak · 05/14/15 12:51PM
Last week, arts organization BRIC announced a June 26 screening of the seminal 1990 documentary Paris Is Burning as part of its Celebrate Brooklyn! program. Invited to help present the screening was the movie’s director, Jennie Livingston, musician/artist JD Samson, who was to perform a DJ set, and exactly zero queer people of color or members of the ballroom community. That community of mostly black and Latin gay men and trans women who compete in pageant-like balls while voguing and wearing all kinds of drag provided the basis of Livingston’s doc and thrives today. It would have been extremely easy to reach out—I attended a PIB screening in November at a very tiny film festival (we watched it in a church!) and Milton Ninja (of the Legendary House of Ninja) spoke after the movie. These people are around and they’re still eager to share their experiences.