Hmm, Are Cara Delevingne and St. Vincent Still Dating?
Kelly Conaboy · 05/20/15 12:52PMScissors Cut Paper; Paper Covers Rock; Rock Imprints Concrete
Dayna Evans · 05/20/15 12:30PMBeyoncé Didn't Really Bathe in $20,000 Wine, But She Should Have
Jay Hathaway · 05/20/15 11:40AM
People are apparently upset that Beyoncé dumped what’s rumored to be a $20,000 bottle of Armand de Brignac champagne into a hot tub during the filming of her Nicki Minaj collabo, “Feeling Myself.” But it is dumb to be mad at Beyoncé, because that wine didn’t really cost $20,000, and even if it did, it would have been more expensive for her not to pour it out and frolic in the bubbles.
These Two! Starring George and Amal
Kelly Conaboy · 05/20/15 09:13AMDid E! Re-Shoot Scenes for Its Bruce Jenner Specials? A KUWTK Probe
Mariah Smith · 05/20/15 08:30AM
In the wake of Bruce Jenner’s Diane Sawyer interview, rumors have swirled regarding the alleged re-shooting of tearful Kris Jenner scenes for E!’s Keeping Up With The Kardashians: About Bruce two-part special. In light of this controversy, Gawker called on an expert to determine exactly when the footage was filmed.
Kim Kardashian Totally Knows What Kanye West Is Talking About
Allie Jones · 05/20/15 08:17AMCool Tough Rapper Jay-Z Beefing With Performance Artist Marina Abramovic
Dayna Evans · 05/20/15 08:09AM
Remember two years ago? I bet you wish you couldn’t. 2013 was the year of many things, but somewhere in there it was the year of the embarrassing Jay-Z career decision to release an album called Magna Carta Holy Grail, when instead he could have enjoyed an eternity of diving into a pile of gold coins like Scrooge McDuck. Remember that record? Something something Basquiat Picasso something something Rothko Christie’s.
500 Days of Kristin, Day 114: For Kristin I Will (Confidence)
Allie Jones · 05/19/15 04:40PM
Years before the idea to write a book ever crossed her beautiful mind, Kristin Cavallari starred in a music video for a now-forgotten white guy with a guitar named Teddy Geiger. In the 2006 video for his song “For You I Will (Confidence),” Kristin plays an Ugg-wearing siren who haunts the bottom of a backyard pool.
Jennifer Connelly Bought Her First Computer Yesterday
Allie Jones · 05/19/15 01:57PMThe Billboard Music Award Statuette Looks Like a Penis
Kelly Conaboy · 05/19/15 01:46PM"The Name's Bond. Jame--" "SHHHHHHHH" Interrupts Whining London
Kelly Conaboy · 05/19/15 09:40AMQuiz: Can You Guess Which Book Jamie Foxx Knows By Heart?
Kelly Conaboy · 05/19/15 08:10AMNicki Minaj and Beyoncé Attempt to Live Like Normal Humans in New Video
Jordan Sargent · 05/18/15 06:43PMPhotos Appear to Confirm Rebel Wilson Is Secretly Old As Hell
Gabrielle Bluestone · 05/18/15 05:15PMBrandon Flowers: The Killers Rule and I Save All My Facial Hair in a Bag
Andy Cush · 05/18/15 04:10PM
Once upon a time, Brandon Flowers had hair on his face. Before that, his band The Killers released Hot Fuss, their very popular and good debut album. Now, Flowers has neither a beard nor a recent hit to his name, but he does have a Ziploc bag filled with seven years worth of his own shavings. Brandon, you’re a star.
Lindsay Lohan Makes Gardening Sexy, Like Too Sexy, Like Weirdly Sexy??
Jay Hathaway · 05/18/15 03:00PM
When we last checked in with Lindsay Lohan, she needed to complete a mathematically implausible 115 hours of community service in 15 days, after failing to report to Duffield Children’s Center in Fort Green Monday and Tuesday. But things are looking up for Lindsay, because we can confirm she has served her community by trimming at least one (1) small tree branch.