"I Knew About the Water On Mars Months Ago," Says Ridley Scott, Yawning
Gabrielle Bluestone · 09/29/15 07:51AM500 Days of Kristin, Day 246: "I'm Really Petite" - Kristin
Allie Jones · 09/28/15 04:28PMWill We Ever Leave Armenia? Welcome Back to Keeping Up With the Kontinuity Errors
Mariah Smith · 09/28/15 02:58PMWhich of These Celebrities Will Die From Bad Truffles First?
Gabrielle Bluestone · 09/28/15 02:19PM
Last week we brought you the unfortunate news that a trendy West Hollywood restaurant has been linked to a salmonella outbreak. At first, it looked like only regular people were affected, but now, dear reader, it is with a heavy heart that I inform you: dozens of beautiful celebrities may also be in danger.
Kaley Cuoco "Extremely Focused" on Horses After Divorce
Allie Jones · 09/28/15 09:36AM500 Days of Kristin, Day 245: Kelly Osbourne Sits Front Row With Kristin
Allie Jones · 09/27/15 01:23PM500 Days of Kristin, Day 244: So Happy Fall Weather Is Here
Allie Jones · 09/26/15 12:00PM500 Days of Kristin, Day 243: Jay Is Really Good With Purses
Allie Jones · 09/25/15 04:13PM500 Days of Kristin, Day 242: Tailgating Recipes for Dummies
Allie Jones · 09/24/15 04:43PM"Who Are We To Say That Cannibalism Is Wrong?": Eli Roth Savages "Social Justice Warriors" in New Flick
Rich Juzwiak · 09/24/15 03:38PM
With The Green Inferno—the first of two new Eli Roth movies that will be released in the next two weeks—Eli Roth attempts the virtual impossible: making a modern cannibal movie. The Green Inferno is a throwback to the small but notorious cannibal subgenre of Italian horror movies that were made mostly during the late ’70s and early ’80s. The movies were characterized by extreme gore, on-screen mutilation of live animals, sexual violence, and depictions of jungle-dwelling natives as man-eating savages. They are intentionally revolting and, at best, effective assaults on the senses.
"Grace Does Her Own Shucking": Here's Grace Jones's Tour Rider
Rich Juzwiak · 09/24/15 12:30PM
Diva memoirs have a reputation for being light on revelations, but Grace Jones is no ordinary diva, and her upcoming book I’ll Never Write My Memoirs is no ordinary book. It’s frank regarding the sex and drugs the legendary singer/actor has indulged in, and unapologetically opinionated, but sometimes less than forthcoming about seemingly simple details (Jones spends several pages discussing why she will not discuss her age).
500 Days of Kristin, Day 241: Lie Back and Think of Laguna Beach
Allie Jones · 09/23/15 04:42PMTyga Cancels Brazilian Shows, Allegedly Because of Jealous Kylie and Big Butts
Jay Hathaway · 09/23/15 04:05PMShowgirls Director Paul Verhoeven: "Yes, It Was Over the Top--and That Was on Purpose"
Rich Juzwiak · 09/22/15 03:45PM
Years ago, Showgirls star Gina Gershon admitted that she was aware of how ridiculous the movie was while they were filming it. Then just this summer, Elizabeth Berkley finally made peace with the movie she was widely ridiculed for and whose name she didn’t speak of for years. Now, in a Rolling Stone interview pegged to the camp classic’s 20th anniversary, the Dutch madman who directed it, Paul Verhoeven, has revealed that the movie is precisely as tacky as he wanted it to be.
500 Days of Kristin, Day 240: Kristin Naming Her Daughter After a Bitch
Allie Jones · 09/22/15 03:11PMTeen Girl Claims Kylie Jenner Staged a Car Crash to Keep Her from True Love Jaden Smith
Jay Hathaway · 09/22/15 02:15PMThere Aren't Enough Bricks in the World to Throw at Roland Emmerich’s Appalling Stonewall
Rich Juzwiak · 09/22/15 11:49AM
Even if it were possible to ignore its numerous failings at adequate representation and historical accuracy (problems that many noticed when its trailer hit the internet last month), Roland Emmerich’s Stonewall would still be a monstrosity. Its badness is nearly unfathomable. Emmerich has made several disaster movies (2012, The Day After Tomorrow, Independence Day), but his work has never achieved the level of cataclysm that Stonewall does.