500 Days of Kristin, Day 174: Kristin Will Get the Shot
Allie Jones · 07/18/15 12:00PM500 Days of Kristin, Day 173: Kristin's Advice for Lindsay Lohan
Allie Jones · 07/17/15 02:00PM
Five years ago this week, Kristin Cavallari attended Comic-Con in San Diego, where she spoke to a CNN iReporter for some reason. The reporter did not want to know much about Kristin, but he did ask about Lindsay Lohan, who had just surrendered to jail for failing to attend court-ordered alcohol education classes. “Let’s talk about Lindsay Lohan,” he said. Kristin obliged.
500 Days of Kristin, Day 172: Kristin Has Sold One Pair of Secret Bangs™
Allie Jones · 07/16/15 01:45PM500 Days of Kristin, Day 171: Apparently Camden Is a Popular Name!
Allie Jones · 07/15/15 02:50PM500 Days of Kristin, Day 170: Kristin's Beach Day
Allie Jones · 07/14/15 04:14PM
Twenty days of Kristin ago, Kristin Cavallari chose to forsake her followers in pursuit of cold, hard cash by making the once free-to-access Official Kristin Cavallari App for iPhone and Android cost $2.99. Per month. Readers (?) of the app revolted, and so seven days later, Kristin quietly expressed a change of heart.
500 Days of Kristin, Day 169: Bang Buddies With No Strings Attached
Allie Jones · 07/13/15 02:40PM500 Days of Kristin, Day 168: Reeenh Reeenh Reeenh
Allie Jones · 07/12/15 12:00PM500 Days of Kristin, Day 167: Needs Fewer Words, More Exclamation Points
Allie Jones · 07/11/15 12:00PM500 Days of Kristin, Day 166: It's a Pair of Pink Sneakers
Allie Jones · 07/10/15 12:53PM500 Days of Kristin, Day 165: Bangs Gang
Allie Jones · 07/09/15 02:42PM
Sixty-four days of Kristin ago, incipient author Kristin Cavallari teased yet another one of her varied, seemingly random projects: Secret Bangs™. “Having fun on set with my #secretbangs,” she wrote in the caption of an Instagram photo of her wearing fake bangs. She’s since deleted the photo—for some reason—but the bangs...the bangs live on.
500 Days of Kristin, Day 164: God Only Knows If Kristin Is More Stylish
Allie Jones · 07/08/15 03:00PM
Kristin Cavallari, whose debut book Balancing in Heels (f.k.a Balancing on Heels) is due out in 346 days, is even more stylish than we thought—according to the “we” who work at People.com. In a recent blog post titled, “9 Reasons Kristin Cavallari Is Even More Stylish Than We Thought,” the magazine website lays out its dubious case.
500 Days of Kristin, Day 163: Kristin Is a Plagiarist
Allie Jones · 07/07/15 04:13PM500 Days of Kristin, Day 162: Kristin Shops at HomeGoods® [PHOTOS]
Allie Jones · 07/06/15 03:53PM
One year ago this month, Kristin Cavallari went shopping. I mean, of course she did, but I know for a fact she went shopping at a certain bargain home furnishings chain store in Los Angeles because there are many, many, many meticulously staged paparazzi photos of this shopping excursion available for purchase and publication online.
500 Days of Kristin, Day 161: Time to Celebrate
Allie Jones · 07/05/15 12:01PM500 Days of Kristin, Day 160: Cavallari Talks Obama
Allie Jones · 07/04/15 12:00PM500 Days of Kristin, Day 159: It's Spelled K-R-I-S-T-I-N
Allie Jones · 07/03/15 12:00PM500 Days of Kristin, Day 158: A Brief Increase In Bargaining Power
Allie Jones · 07/02/15 02:20PM500 Days of Kristin, Day 157: Kristin's App-alling Business Decision
Allie Jones · 07/01/15 03:53PM
Seven days of Kristin ago, Ms. Kristin Cavallari did a rude thing: She made the Official Kristin Cavallari App for iPhone and Android, which was once free, cost $2.99. Per month. Her followers were outraged, announcing in droves on Instagram that they would be deleting the app and reading Lauren Conrad’s free blog instead.