Maybe people will cheer a little less aggressively for Ellen's 12 Days of Giveaways this afternoon—a man who won a vacation from the talk show host died while taking it; a very small Will Ferrell indie flick is making big bucks; Martha Stewart has got no time for Gwyneth Paltrow; and SoulCycle is giving back for the holidays, starting with Carey Mulligan.

  • United States Marine Brandon McGraw died while enjoying a vacation to Australia that his wife Cherilyn McGraw had won on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. The couple was skydiving, and Brandon had a parachute malfunction that caused him to veer right and left before crashing to the ground. Ellen DeGeneres has yet to make a statement. [US]
  • Did you know Tuesday is now the weekend? Anchorman 2 released on Tuesday night, because why not, for movie studios Friday became Thursday night, Thursday night became Wednesday night, so naturally very soon we will have no weekends at all. Anyways it's done $8.1 million in just a few nights, which is very good, especially when you think of all the free marketing they got out of companies paying them for the privelige of advertising the movie. I, for one, would like the next sequel to be called Anchorman 3: Ron Burgundy, Snake Oil Salesman. [Variety]
  • The queen has spoken: Martha Stewart does not like Gwyneth Paltrow. She first told The Daily Mail "I haven't eaten at Gwyneth's house. She's a charming, pretty person who has a feeling for lifestyle. If she's authentic, all the better." Shade. Shade. Shade. Then while answering a TMZ paparazzo's question about who was the better lifestyle coach, she replied "Lifestyle coach? Oh, for heaven's sake, you have to have lived to be a coach." Damn. Prison has made Aunt Martha cold as ice. [The Wire]
  • The perks to being a famous rich person is that you no longer have to pay for things, even though you can literally afford ALL THE THINGS. So goes the tale of perma-sad twinkie Carey Mulligan, who received a free bike from SoulCycle just for showing up to a lot of classes! All those $30 classes must have bankrupted her wallet…but not as much as once dating Shia Labeouf bankrupted her soul. [THR]

Breakdowns is a daily roundup of all the news that wasn't interesting enough to deserve two paragraphs.