The young woman whom Drama follows, Selena Gomez, could come bear the wrath of her longtime BFF Taylor Swift soon, thanks to the 36-year-old DJ known as Diplo. Why? Because Diplo, an adult who enjoys and produces electronic music, apparently also likes meddling in the tender, romantic affairs of America's young people.

Lainey Gossip speculates that Selena might get axed from the Taylor Swift Best Friends Forever Sometimes Gang because she recently responded to a tweet from Diplo, a sworn enemy of Taylor Swift. How Selena got swept up in this drama is obvious—she is Selena Gomez, whom Drama follows—why Diplo has become the peach pit at the center of this drama peach is less clear.

How did this grown man become so involved in the social lives of babies who were recently on the Disney channel? Perhaps there is something psychological going on in relation to his allegedly tiny penis, which is where this saga began, three long months ago.

"Someone should make a kickstarter to get taylor swift a booty"

On November 12, 2014, Diplo, who was at the time dating Taylor Swift's sworn enemy Katy Perry, tweeted this—

—without provocation. It got considerably more retweets than the average snippets of wisdom and wonder Diplo sends out on a daily basis, like this recent tweet where he asks to be invited to a party.

So those extra retweets encouraged Diplo, probably. His first home run in the fame game called Twitter, and he was eager to get back up to bat.

Perhaps that's why, when current best friend of Taylor Swift Lorde tweeted back at him in an unequivocal pledge of allegiance to the Taylor Swift Best Friends Forever Sometimes Gang...

...Thirty-six-year-old Diplo took a couple days to craft his response, ultimately incorrectly identifying the 300-year-old Lorde as a high school student.

Because the code of strong women states that "You can come at me, but you cannot come at my friends, even in a confusing way," at that moment, Diplo became (and forever shall be) an enemy of Taylor Swift and the Taylor Swift Best Friends Forever Sometimes Gang.

So what does this have to do with Selena Gomez?

Well, Diplo knows a guy she knows.

"Oh hi derrling..."

Last month, Selena Gomez was seen canoodling on FaceTime and in real life with 25-year-old producer Zedd, much to the dismay of her on-again, off-again piss boyfriend Justin Bieber. Zedd Instagrammed a FaceTime screenshot of Selena in bed with the caption "Oh hi derrling...", leading many to believe that the two are more than friends (i.e. derrlings).

Since they are both DJs and producers, Zedd and Diplo are casual acquaintances, even though Diplo is 11 years older than Zedd. Which brings us to the present entanglement.

"@selenagomez watch out"

On Monday, Zedd tweeted this cute pic of Selena hanging out with him.

Before Taylor Swift had a chance to respond "Cute! Love you"—before Justin Bieber had 11 hours to cry—Diplo tweeted a photo of Zedd hanging out with him to Selena, along with a playful threat to claim her rumored derrling.

Ahhhhhh! What is Selena Gomez supposed to say to that? Diplo, do you even realize that Selena is not even officially dating Zedd yet, and that Justin Bieber can see all of this, and that Taylor Swift can also see all of this, and that you are not a person to whom Taylor Swift would like Selena to be talking? Do you get it??????????

I really hope you get it now.

[Photos via Getty]