Watch Matt Damon and Friends Read Mean Tweets About Themselves
Lacey Donohue · 02/07/14 10:54AMAs the late night world said goodbye to Jay Leno Thursday night, Jimmy Kimmel ignored the fuss and did what Jimmy Kimmel does best: get celebrities, especially Matt Damon, to make fun of themselves.
Meryl Streep Thinks Academy Snubbed Emma Thompson
Lacey Donohue · 01/20/14 07:04PMBeejoli Shah · 11/05/13 12:14PM
Breakdowns: Life Is No Longer A Box of Chocolates For Tom Hanks
Beejoli Shah · 10/08/13 12:23PMGuy Who Got Paid To Spin Bullshit in NYT Is Now Doing It In Hollywood
Beejoli Shah · 10/02/13 03:47PM
There's an important thing you should to know about (current? who can keep track, really) journalist turned filmmaker Peter Landesman, a thing that can just barely be gleaned from the oddly self-congratulatory Vanity Fair and Hollywood Reporter interviews that came out last month as his directorial debut Parkland—a Tom Hanks-produced JFK assassination biopic—was set to open at the Venice and Toronto film festivals. Peter Landesman is a colossal dick.