500 Days of Kristin, Day 186: Eternal Questions
Allie Jones · 07/30/15 02:17PMCanadian Nightclub Owner Excited to Get Kylie Jenner Drunk on 18th B-Day
Allie Jones · 07/30/15 11:50AM
World-weary 17-year-old Kylie Jenner, who recently celebrated her graduation from online high school with a party that may or may not have been covered in cocaine, has a big birthday coming up. Know who’s excited? The Canadian entrepreneur who’s hosting her **OFFICIAL LEGAL (IN CANADA) TEEN ALCOHOL PARTY ;)** at his nightclub.
Jose Canseco Will Wear a Dress for a Week to Support Caitlyn Jenner—Uhh
Kelly Conaboy · 07/30/15 10:37AM500 Days of Kristin, Day 185: Did Kristin Make Less Money Than Audrina?
Allie Jones · 07/29/15 02:12PM
On September 29, 2009, The Daily Beast released a blockbuster report that shook our nation to its core. With its publication, previously guarded information became public to American citizens for the first time: the (inflated) salaries of the women and men then starring on MTV’s reality TV dramedy The Hills.
Vacation Is an Impressive Trifecta of Mean, Dumb, and Ugly
Rich Juzwiak · 07/29/15 11:25AM
You can be mean, or you can be dumb, but only one of the two. Really, you can technically be whatever you want, but if you are both mean and dumb, you’re going to have an extremely hard time making it in a world where success often depends greatly on the ability to connect with other people. Immense beauty can render this rule of thumb irrelevant, but that’s rare and fleeting and, eventually, irrelevant itself.
The Bachelor Host Chris Harrison: Show The Bachelor Some Goddamn Respect
Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/28/15 05:20PM500 Days of Kristin, Day 184: Art Movement of the European Avant-Garde
Allie Jones · 07/28/15 04:42PMJail the Bachelorette
Allie Jones · 07/28/15 10:15AMAzealia Banks Slams Australia: "Violent," "Terrible," "Too Far Away"
Kelly Conaboy · 07/28/15 08:50AM500 Days of Kristin, Day 183: Glamour by Istin Cavalla
Allie Jones · 07/27/15 03:15PM
Fledgling memoirist Kristin Cavallari has offered her followers yet another “sneak peek” into the her life via an ad for her mid-priced shoe line, Kristin Cavallari for Chinese Laundry. The following short Instagram video—intended to sell the public on shoes designed by Kristin Cavallari—shows Kristin balancing in heels of all colors, smiling, and not saying anything:
Didn't She Almost Have It All? The Tragedy of Bobbi Kristina Brown
Rich Juzwiak · 07/27/15 10:04AMBobbi Kristina, Daughter of Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown, Dead at 22
Hudson Hongo · 07/26/15 08:21PM500 Days of Kristin, Day 182: @CokeBreath Loves Kristin's App
Allie Jones · 07/26/15 12:00PM500 Days of Kristin, Day 181: U Put a Smile on Kristin's Face
Allie Jones · 07/25/15 12:00PM500 Days of Kristin, Day 180: Look at All This Shit
Allie Jones · 07/24/15 10:40AM
Kristin Cavallari, a woman who does not eat egg whites, additives, “parabins,” or most shrimp (unless she knows where the shrimp is coming from), must consume something to survive. But what? Last year, the blog “The Skinny Confidential” helpfully compiled a list of things Kristin has admitted to eating (in writing).
500 Days of Kristin, Day 179: Uh Oh Uh Oh Uh Oh Oh No No
Allie Jones · 07/23/15 01:15PM
In 2011, Kristin Cavallari—whose debut memoir Balancing in Heels (f.k.a. Balancing on Heels) is due out in 321 days—competed as a Star on the 13th season of Dancing with the Stars. She was the third contestant to be eliminated, besting only Metta World Peace and one of George Clooney’s ex-girlfriends.