Is NBC Passing On The Office?

mark · 05/10/04 01:17PM

Aint' It Cool News hears from "talent agents" that NBC won't pick up the pilot of American version of the BBC hit The Office (which stars The Daily Show's Steve Carrell, left) for a series. The networks present their Fall schedules to advertisers next week (barring writers' strike Armageddon, which will seriously confuse things), and NBC seems to prefer sticking with safe, cheap fare where struggling actors consume the colorectal tracts of farm animals (Fear Factor) or pretend that they can love the physically unattractive (Average Joe). NBC may consider The Office for midseason or a minor-league demotion to Bravo.

Dumb Pirate Does Time Over The Alamo

mark · 05/10/04 12:38PM

The message from the MPAA is clear: pirate a horrendously under-performing movie and go to jail. A 34-year-old Los Angeles man has been sentenced to 42 days in jail for taking a camcorder into The Alamo and recording the Disney mega-flop.

Barbra to Dustin: You're Such a Focker

mark · 05/10/04 12:26PM

Blogger A Fly On The Wall has a report from the set of Meet the Fockers, the upcoming Meet the Parents sequel. After Barbra Streisand admonished an assistant director for committing the sin of calling her "Barb," Dustin Hoffman has made it his mission to torture her; he now insists on referring to her as Barb [Ed.note—Is this Hoffman character fucking insane?] and outfitted the crew in "Bush 2004" buttons. Barbra declared Hoffman a "putz" and stormed off the set, and Robert DeNiro had to talk her into returning. We're waiting for the prankster Hoffman to put on a Yentl mask and threaten to have the craft service guy killed because he's out of egg bagels.

Macaulay Culkin, Celebrity Novelist

mark · 05/10/04 12:10PM

Continuing the proud literary tradition of Ethan Hawke, actor/former Michael Jackson playdate Macaulay Culkin has written a novel. Junior will be released by Miramax books next spring and will reportedly be based on Culkin's life. Defamer, as always, is right on top of things and has already obtained this excerpt:

Eisner Under Fire Roundup

mark · 05/10/04 11:11AM

More troubles for Disney CEO Michael Eisner and the new office fortifications he's installed to repel his marauding enemies:


Choire · 05/08/04 03:35PM

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Short Ends: Bring On The Weekend

mark · 05/07/04 08:41PM

·Project Greenlight just winnowed down 1,733 entrants to 50 to make an interesting television show that will eventually put out an unwatchable movie.
·Gawkermonkey Choire is already face down in his own vomit by now, so we feel compelled to tell you about the debris from Billy Joel's drinky-drinky crashy-crashy being sold at auction for $1,075 American dollars.
·Bored? Go watch Detour in the Hollywood Forever Cemetary, and try not to desecrate any graves.
·Thank God for French law and order: Riot police will shield the Cannes festival from starving, unhealthy actors with picket signs.
·The Friars Club is roasting Donald Trump. What's there to make fun of? He's rich and gets the Trump Salad tossed by one of the hottest women in the world. Oh, yeah. The hair.

Failing Up: Molly Shannon Signs Development Deal With Fox

mark · 05/07/04 07:32PM

Molly Shannon is hooking up with 20th Century Fox TV in a rich deal to develop a sitcom for her to produce and star in, according to THR. Shannon was seen most recently in Fox's extremely short-lived Cracking Up, whose abbreviated existence was plagued by feuds between creator Mike White and Fox executives. White (who wrote the screenplay for School of Rock, but is whiffing big-time on TV—Pasadena, anyone?) was fond of throwing fits any time an executive so much as looked at him, and finally quit in a tizzy. Luckily, the ratings weren't good enough for it to matter much. In any event, better luck at Fox this time, Molly!

Apprentice Washout Hired By Raiders

mark · 05/07/04 03:58PM

Downsized Apprentice contest/document reproduction deal-closing wunderkind Nick Warnock has landed a gig selling luxury suites for the Oakland Raiders. Raiders CEO Amy Trask said about hiring the fourth-place finisher, "I called someone else in our office equally addicted to the show and told him, 'I want to hire this guy to sell suites...[W]hen we saw on his Web site that he had a football background (he played high school and college football), it seemed like a great idea."

Fox to Simpsons Cast: You Can Be Replaced

mark · 05/07/04 02:13PM

LA Weekly "Deadline Hollywood" columnist Nikki Finke has a look at the negotiations between Fox and The Simpsons' voice actors. Hilariously, Fox execs at one point threatened to replace all of them.

Maria Shriver Interviews Roy Horn, Avoids Near-Fatal Mauling By Siegfried

mark · 05/07/04 12:09PM

A spy tells us about Maria Shriver's recent interview with magician/white tiger snack Roy Horn, which took place at Siegfried and Roy's Las Vegas compound. (Spy: "How do you interview a quasi-vegetable? Luckily, Maria has lots of experience dealing with someone who doesn't speak in complete sentences.") Scott Sassa, former head of NBC West Coast programming, was caught dishing about the ridiculous security in place to protect leaks from getting out ahead of the interview's Fall airing to promote NBC's animated tiger show, Father of the Pride.

Dan Renzi Popped For Snapping One Off In Kansas City Gay Porn Theater

mark · 05/07/04 11:46AM

The Smoking Gun has the mugshot of Real World Miami castmate Dan Renzi, who was arrested for exercising his right to stroke his penis in a Kansas City porno theater on Cinco de Mayo. [Ed. note—You'd think he'd be safe after flying all the way to Kansas City just to jerk off.] While we usually never pass up the opportunity to make the easy joke, Defamer will not make any facile Pee Wee Herman references, even though both men were arrested for stroking their penises in theaters showing pornography.

The Friends Finale: The Aftermath

mark · 05/07/04 10:54AM

It's finally over. "The One Where They All Go On To Failed Spin-Offs And Disappointing Movie Careers While Waiting Quietly For The Ten Year Reunion Special" has aired, and America has its happy ending.

Showbiz Strike Mania Hits Paris!

mark · 05/06/04 07:04PM

One hundred striking French show business workers took over a studio at cable channel Canal Plus today, interrupting live broadcasts to protest unemployment benefit cuts, according to Variety. Some carried signs threatening a strike at the Cannes Film Festival which starts next week.