Kim Kardashian Used to Snitch on Paris Hilton to Tabloids

Allie Jones · 06/17/15 12:50PM

Kim Kardashian’s origin story has, at this point, passed into legend: Before Ray J, before Kanye, before Keeping Up With the Kardashians and Kim Kardashian: Hollywood, she was the personal assistant to the original sex tape star-cum-reality-TV personality Paris Hilton. But how did she climb her way past her old boss? According to a dirt-filled new Buzzfeed story: By spilling tea on her to tabloids.

The Tribe Is Vivid, Violent, and Almost Completely Silent

Rich Juzwiak · 06/17/15 11:30AM

You can’t look away from Ukrainian director Miroslav Slaboshpitsky’s new movie The Tribe, which opens today in New York. This is true in the usual figurative sense—the movie about a gang of teen Ukrainian thugs and prostitutes is a gritty, lurid parade of shocks—but it’s also literally true. If you look away, you’ll miss way too much.

500 Days of Kristin, Day 142: Kristin Makes an Enemy

Allie Jones · 06/16/15 05:20PM

Do you have a particular outfit that you really regret wearing say 10, 15, or 20 years ago? If you can picture it in your head, and it is, indeed, regrettable, congratulations: you’re stylish. According to People, anyway.

Kristen Stewart's Mom: Mirror Doctored Quotes About Kristen's Sexuality

Allie Jones · 06/16/15 04:07PM

In an interview with The Mirror published Sunday, Kristen Stewart’s mother Jules confirmed what the tabloids have been speculating for months: Stewart, last linked to fellow vampire Robert Pattinson, is now dating her personal assistant Alicia Cargile. “I’ve met Kristen’s new girlfriend, I like her. What’s not to accept? She’s a lovely girl,” Jules said in the interview with contributor Sharon Feinstein.

Chris Pratt vs. Channing Tatum: Which Would You 

Dayna Evans · 06/16/15 12:25PM

In a perfect world, nobody would be forced to choose between two attractive men. In a perfect world, two attractive men would be available in any capacity for interested parties to access at any time. These attractive men, in a perfect world, would be both famous and rich and often in the spotlight.

An X-Rated Blind Melon Item

Jordan Sargent · 06/16/15 12:05PM

Who is the white rapper with a blonde model girlfriend who needed to cum so bad that he shoved his dick into a watermelon?

To Gérard Depardieu, Gérard Depardieu Is Just a Man Who Peed in the Sky

Kelly Conaboy · 06/16/15 10:05AM

“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play,” asserts the quote attributed to Plato by fools, “than in a year of conversation.” No so for Gérard Depardieu. For Gérard Depardieu, as it turns out, a few moments of airborne pee were all it took to discover everything there is to know.

Leo DiCaprio’s Model Percentage Takes Precipitous Drop During Sing-Along

Kelly Conaboy · 06/15/15 01:37PM

Leonardo DiCaprio, actor and founding member of the Pussy Posse, reportedly broke into song while dining recently at Harlem’s famous Rao’s restaurant. Surrounding him? Not models, if you’re wondering. Yes, you read me right I said: NOT models. (Except for one model, Kelly Rohrbach.)

Smash Mouth Singer Threatens To "Beat the Fuck" out of Bread Thrower

Kelly Conaboy · 06/15/15 09:45AM

Steve Harwell, singer of ‘90s grunge band just kidding Smash Mouth, got so furious with members of the audience at a recent Smash Mouth concert in Fort Collins, Colorado that he had to be subdued by security, as shown in what is undoubtedly one of the most bizarre and exciting videos of 2015. The crowd was tossing bread. :(

500 Days of Kristin, Day 138: ChicagNO

Allie Jones · 06/12/15 02:50PM

In recent interview with Elle (dot com), Kristin Cavallari expressed distaste for the city of Chicago—the city that her husband plays football for, and the city that, just last month, she claimed to really “know.” Well, Kristin knows what she does not like. “Chicago’s just not home,” she told Elle (dot com).

Leo & Kelly: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Wined

Kelly Conaboy · 06/12/15 10:35AM

In the 2004 film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Clementine—played by Kate Winslet—says something about, “Meet me in Montauk.” Was she talking to Leonardo DiCaprio, actor and founding member of the Pussy Posse, and his beautiful sex friend who is also a recent Georgetown graduate, Kelly Rohrbach? No.

500 Days of Kristin, Day 137: Don't B Afraid 2 B Kristin

Allie Jones · 06/11/15 04:35PM

If have been looking for relationship and/or general life advice from Kristin Cavallari—and god, why wouldn’t you be—you can probably find some in her book, due out in 363 days. Until then, we must make do with what we’re given, which is the wisdom found in a Twitter “live chat” with @KristinCav hosted by Cosmo and sponsored by Revlon.